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Herzing University

Career Development Stephanie Hoppe

Steer Clear of these 5 Common Interview Mistakes

Whether you are a seasoned professional or a recent graduate, 面试成功的关键不仅仅在于你做对了什么, 但也要避免常见的陷阱,这可能会产生很大的不同.

Embarking on the journey toward a fulfilling career is exciting, and filled with opportunities and possibilities. 当你朝着这条道路努力时,有一个关键的步骤会脱颖而出——面试过程. Interviews serve as a pathway to your next dream position, but they also present potential challenges that, if overlooked, can stop your progress in its tracks.

Whether you are a seasoned professional or a recent graduate, 面试成功的关键不仅仅在于你做对了什么, 但也要避免常见的陷阱,这可能会产生很大的不同. 了解并克服常见的面试失误是一项重要的技能,它可以让你省去无数个不眠之夜,甚至可能让你得到梦寐以求的工作.

Let's explore five interview missteps that, when avoided, 能为找到适合自己的新职位或职业扫清道路吗.  

Ignoring Non-Verbal Signals

It's not only what you say but also how you say it. 一定要注意你的肢体语言、语气和面部表情. Fidgeting, a lack of eye contact, or over-rehearsed responses may not create the best first impression. 试着在镜子前回答常见的问题,或者录下自己的声音,然后回放——开着和关着都可以. 你会更加注意自己在回答问题时的样子,并且可以在与未来的雇主面对面之前开始解决这个问题.

Neglecting Company Culture

许多求职者往往专注于展示自己的技能和经验,却忘了强调自己与公司及其文化的契合度. Employers value applicants who have the right qualifications and share the company's values and work ethic. 花点时间做你的尽职调查,提前调查这家公司. 访问他们的网站和社交媒体页面,更好地了解他们是谁,以及他们如何向公众展示他们的品牌.

Preparing Quality Questions

应聘者应该准备好在面试中要问雇主的问题, but they must be thoughtful ones. 避免一般性的问题,这些问题可以通过对公司的研究来回答. Instead, 问一些表现出真正感兴趣的问题,帮助你确定这家公司是否适合你. Yes, they are interviewing you, 但面试是双向的,你应该问一些有见地的问题,以确保如果他们给你这个职位,这是一个相互匹配的过程. Some possible questions could include:

  • 驱动公司内部决策的核心价值观是什么?
  • 你会如何描述我将要共事的团队的活力?
  • 在公司有什么样的职业发展和晋升机会?
  • Can you describe a typical day or week in this position?
  • 团队或部门目前面临的最大挑战是什么?
  • How does the company promote work-life balance for its employees?
  • 多久进行一次绩效评估,反馈过程是怎样的?
  • 你能举一些给员工建设性反馈的例子吗?
  • 一年后,对于这个职位的人来说,成功是什么样子的?
  • What advice would you give to someone starting in this role?

Adapting to Remote Interviews

在流感大流行和远程工作兴起的背景下,首次面试可能会以虚拟方式进行. 通过创建一个专业的虚拟空间来适应这种形式是很重要的(为面试选择一个虚拟的背景或整洁的区域)。, testing equipment in advance, 选择一个干扰最小的地方,并记得通过相机进行适当的眼神交流. 对远程面试毫无准备会极大地影响你的表现,并决定你是被录用还是被其他候选人录用.

Lacking Honest Self-Awareness

人们可能很难准确地评估自己的优点和缺点. 过于自我批评或过于自信可能会让你因为错误的原因而脱颖而出. 表现出真正的自我意识对于建立信任和展示自己是很重要的, true self.  

在面试中取得好成绩不仅仅是列举你的资历. It's about being genuine, showing interest in the company, and adapting to the ever-changing interviewing process.

By tackling these common missteps—ignoring non-verbal cues, not fitting into company culture, not asking meaningful questions, 不能适应远程面试和缺乏诚实的自我意识——你可能会让自己在其他候选人中脱颖而出. Herzing University’s Career Development team is also available to help prepare you, boost your confidence, 并确保你在未来的面试中为赢得下一个职位做好了准备.

Best of luck on your interview journey!

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* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

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