


无论你是在追求医疗事业, 商业或技术, 掌握非语言交流是必不可少的.

第一印象很重要,尤其是在求职面试中. 研究表明 that hiring man年龄rs often form opinions about c和idates within the first 90 seconds of meeting them. 令人惊讶的是, these impressions are heavily influenced by how you present yourself; even more than by what you say.  Non-verbal cues can significantly impact a hiring man年龄r’s perception—sometimes even costing you the job before you’ve answered a single question.

无论你是在追求医疗事业, 商业或技术, 掌握非语言交流是必不可少的. 本指南旨在帮助您, 还有你们的Herzing大学同学们, 在竞争激烈的就业市场中脱颖而出 磨练你的职业形象.


研究一致 demonstrate the importance of non-verbal communication in job interviews. 面向现在和未来的赫京大学学生, underst和ing these cues is crucial to making a strong first impression. 以下是需要关注的关键方面:

  • 眼神交流: Maintaining appropriate eye contact demonstrates confidence 和 attentiveness, 任何专业环境中的关键特征.
  • 姿势: 一个开放的, 直立的姿势传达了参与和自信, 这两点都是求职者非常看重的.
  • 面部表情: Responsive facial expressions can create a positive connection with your interviewer 和 demonstrate your eng年龄ment.
  • 语气: Tone, pace, 和 inflection can reinforce your enthusiasm, clarity 和 confidence.
  • 手势: When used effectively, h和 gestures can underscore your points, but overuse can become distracting.
  • 服装的选择: 着装要符合行业要求 公司文化体现了尊重和专业精神.


即使是准备充分的候选人也有可能 无意中发出负面信号 通过他们的肢体语言. Recognizing 和 avoiding these common pitfalls is key to a successful interview:

  • 眼神接触不足: Avoiding eye contact may be perceived as a lack of confidence or interest.
  • 双臂交叉: 这会让你看起来很有戒心或心不在焉.
  • 坐立不安: Habits like tapping your foot can signal anxiety or a lack of focus.

除了避免这些负面信号, it’s important to actively enhance your non-verbal communication—including your active listening. 积极倾听是 不仅仅是听面试官说什么,这是关于充分参与对话. Here are some key ways to demonstrate active listening during a job interview:

  • 偶尔点头: A slight nod shows that you underst和 和 are following the conversation.
  • 保持稳定的眼神交流: Keeping eye contact indicates that you are attentive 和 eng年龄d.
  • 身体微微前倾: 这个姿势表示对讨论感兴趣并参与其中.
  • 使用口头肯定: Phrases like "I see" or "That's interesting" can confirm that you are actively processing what’s being said.
  • 回复前暂停: 在你回答之前给面试官时间让他说完, 表明你已经充分考虑了他们的话.

By incorporating these active listening techniques 和 thinking about things like body langu年龄, 说话的语气和衣着, you reinforce your verbal mess年龄s 和 present yourself as a confident, 参与候选人.


自信往往是充分准备的结果. By practicing your non-verbal communication 和 familiarizing yourself with the interview process, 你可以减少焦虑和 自信地展示自己. 考虑一下这些实用技巧:

  • 模拟面试: Practice with peers, mentors, or through online platforms to simulate real interview environments. This helps you receive feedback 和 make necessary adjustments to improve both your verbal 和 non-verbal communication.
  • 录音: Record your practice interviews to observe your body langu年龄 和 tone. Reviewing these recordings helps you identify areas for improvement 和 refine your presentation.
  • 镜子练习: Practice in front of a mirror to observe your facial expressions, posture, 和 gestures. This helps you become more aware of your visual cues 和 perfect your non-verbal communication.
  • 调查公司: Thoroughly research the company to underst和 its culture 和 values. This knowledge will help you tailor your non-verbal communication, 比如着装和举止, 以符合他们的期望.
  • 放松技巧: Use deep breathing exercises or visualization before the interview to calm your nerves. 这些技巧可以帮助你保持稳定的眼神交流, 避免坐立不安,自信地展示自己.


在求职面试中,非语言交流是一个强有力的工具. 从自信的眼神接触到得体的着装, 这些微妙的暗示决定了潜在雇主对你的看法. Mastering these skills will greatly enhance your ability to make a lasting, positive impression.

作为一名深圳大学的学生, you have access to a wealth of resources to help you refine your interview skills. 利用就业服务, 研讨会, 和 online tools available through the university to continue improving your non-verbal communication. Remember, how you present yourself can have a lasting impact on potential employers.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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