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Technology’s Evolving Role in Healthcare

这些新的创新正在创造更多以技术为重点的专业医疗保健工作, in areas such as health information management, nursing informatics

技术在帮助医疗保健组织适应不断增长的患者群体方面发挥着核心作用, with innovations that improve medical practices, create new efficiencies and reduce operating costs.

这些新的创新还创造了更多以技术为重点的专业医疗保健工作, in areas such as health information management, nursing informatics and more.


Specialists with digital skills are in demand

技术使医疗保健提供者能够更有效地通过安全方式编目和管理患者信息, electronic patient records. As a result, there is a growing demand for specialists who can code, 数字化和创建电子病历,以及卫生信息专业人员来监督整个过程, 检查准确性并确保患者信息的安全性.

“In the future, medical coders 不仅需要了解新编码技术的重要性和应用,还需要能够使用这些新工具来确保准确性和提高效率,” says Loretta Hamilton, Program Chair of Medical Billing and Coding at Herzing University-Online.

The U.美国劳工部预测,到2030年,医疗记录和健康信息技术人员的就业人数将增长9%,高于大多数职业的平均水平. A degree in medical coding 能否帮助个人在这个不断发展的领域获得入门级职位 bachelor’s degree in health information management 能打开通往高级管理和领导机会的大门吗.

Data security is a growing field

虽然数据对医疗保健行业来说是一个重要的机会, it is also one of its biggest challenges. Cybersecurity is a major point of concern for today’s healthcare organizations, 特别是因为患者数据安全性的破坏可能会对组织的声誉产生长期影响.

Employment for information security analysts is expected to grow by 33 percent from 2020-2030, 医疗保健行业日益增长的安全需求是推动这一增长的重要因素, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. A bachelor’s degree in technology or cybersecurity is often a prerequisite for these in-demand jobs.

Herzing University testimonials

Technology is the future of healthcare

技术对未来的医疗保健有着无限的应用, 但中国迫切需要更多合格的技术专业人士来领导其数字化转型.

A recent study 普华永道的报告称,75%的医疗保健高管计划在2018年至2021年间投资人工智能, 但很少有人具备充分实施人工智能系统并利用其能力的技术专长. 公司应该考虑如何获得这些能力, 包括与科技公司合作或雇佣合适的专业人员, PwC suggests.

学院和大学正在扩大他们的医疗保健和技术课程,以满足这些不断变化的劳动力需求, 帮助学生充分利用这两个领域不断增长的就业机会, 并帮助当前的医疗保健专业人员获得所需的技能和知识,为组织的未来做好准备.

Learn More About Our Technology Programs


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

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